Trigger Optimization Framework in Salesforce

Posted by Abhishek on April 20, 2020


Last Updated on 24 April 2020


Firstly, I need to acknowledge the valuable inputs that Adam Purkiss and Hari Krishnan have contributed in the Salesforce community on initial ideas and concept of apex trigger frameworks and its management. Secondly, many thanks to Bheemanapalli Srinivas, Simiraj Sundaran Prakasi and Adam Chang for supervising and reviewing the proposed architectural improvement on Apex Trigger Framework. Last but not least, I would like to extend my thanks to Vincent N P and Sarath Babu for encouraging me and for providing all the support throughout this effort.

Thank you all once again for being instrumental in this architectural improvement.


The architectural improvement on Apex Trigger Framework was showcased at BITS, Pilani as a research work when I was doing my Masters of Technology post graduation back in the year 2017.


Dr. Ramprasad Joshi (Ph.D - Computer Science, BITS Pilani, Goa) - Ramprasad sir grilled me for 1 hour on the proposed improvement on trigger framework and was truly impressed with the research work. He provided EXCELLENT grade for improving the existing architecture and scientifically measuring the improvements in the research work. Following are his remarks: Good Work on the Design and Software Architecture part.

What you need to know before you read this summarized version of the research work

  1. Basic understanding on Salesforce Apex Triggers
  2. Understanding of various Trigger Context Variables
  3. Order of Execution in Salesforce

Current Problems with Apex Triggers

  1. Many triggers for one object – Having more than 1 trigger per object causes the prediction of Execution Order to be difficult.
  2. Business Logic scattered in triggers & classes – Business Logic gets scattered in some triggers, handler classes and helper classes. Thus, it causes maintenance problems.
  3. Re-entry of trigger logic – Difficult to manage & maintain these as many developers have their own approach of managing re-entries.
  4. Number of SOQL and DML statements executed in a trigger context somtimes goes out of control
  5. Difficult to de-couple logic – There needs to be lot of impact analysis due to scattered code before you remove or pull some logic out.
  6. Not enough logs generated – Logging is not consistent from triggers to classes. Usually, developers have to write logging statements here and there.

Benefits of a Trigger Framework

  1. Makes the Triggers more streamlined and provides a precise predictability in order of execution
  2. It provides separate code paths for new & re-entrant logic. Thus making the management of logic simpler and impact-free.
  3. Provides a Centralized SOQL and DML management by which SOQL and DML statements can be managed in a central location rather than making changes everywhere.
  4. Facilitates Logging at the framework level. Thus, making the developers focus on writing the logic efficiently and not worry about exception handling around each line they write.
  5. Provides ability to switch ON/OFF triggers based on configurations. This helps us when issues occur in production and we have to troubleshoot it without deploying code.

The trigger framework orchestrates its execution as shown below. Trigger Execution Pipeline

Explanation of the methods in the trigger pipeline
  1. bulkBefore- This point is an ideal location where we can do anything before the actual before trigger logic starts to work. It is a good choice to centralize all the data using SOQL statements and keep the data ready in a list/map so that the before trigger handlers can get/set properties of the already queried records.
  2. applyDefault - Particularly for beforeInsert, it’s best to ensure that the default values of the incoming record be set based on any business expectation. This will ensure that the values of the record is always consistent in terms of business expectation. Note that this only applies to the beforeInsert pipeline.
  3. beforeInsert - This is the point where the actual beforeInsert logic needs to be plugged in [with the correct order of operations that business expects]
  4. beforeUpdate - This is the point where the actual beforeUpdate logic needs to be plugged in [with the correct order of operations that business expects]
  5. beforeDelete - This is the point where the actual beforeDelete logic needs to be plugged in [with the correct order of operations that business expects]
  6. bulkAfter - This point is an ideal location where we can do anything just before the actual after trigger logic starts to work. It is a good choice to centralize all the data using SOQL statements and keep the data ready in a list/map so that the after trigger handlers can get/set properties of the already queried records.
  7. onValidate - Typically, on any after triggers, it is always good to validate the consistency of the records and ensure that errors are thrown back if validation fails. This onValidate() saves from any potential after triggers throwing an exception just because a record is not consistent.
  8. afterInsert - This is the point where the actual afterInsert logic needs to be plugged in [with the correct order of operations that business expects]
  9. afterUpdate - This is the point where the actual afterUpdate logic needs to be plugged in [with the correct order of operations that business expects]
  10. afterDelete - This is the point where the actual afterDelete logic needs to be plugged in [with the correct order of operations that business expects]
  11. afterUnDelete - This is the point where the actual afterUnDelete logic needs to be plugged in [with the correct order of operations that business expects]. UnDelete happens when a record lying in the Recycle Bin is restored back to the object.

In a nutshell, what did we try to streamline using this trigger pipeline?

Every trigger execution context can now be separated from the pipeline by having its own handlers. For example, beforeInsert for Lead can be separated into a class called LeadBeforeInsertHandler. Why we need to separate it? It ensures separation of concerns and that we are not mixing handler responsibilities in trigger pipeline orchestration.

Let’s now look at how Handler execution can be generalized. Handler Pipeline

Explanation of steps in the Handler pipeline
  1. Picking the Handler Instance - Based on the incoming object type, we need to pick and instantiate the correct handler class
  2. mainEntry - This is the method that needs to execute if the trigger control flow is being invoked freshly in a context and it is not as a result of any re-entry.
  3. inProgressEntry - This is the method that needs to execute in case the trigger control re-enters due to any DML’s executed within the trigger lifetime.
  4. Centralized DML - After a trigger handler is executed, it would have set some properties of the records and this is the point where we can centrally execute DML statements on the collection of records.


Interface that contains the contracts of the main trigger pipeline

    public interface ITriggerDispatcher
        void applyDefaults(TriggerParameter tp);
        void bulkBefore(TriggerParameter tp);
        void beforeInsert(TriggerParameter tp);
        void beforeUpdate(TriggerParameter tp);
        void beforeDelete(TriggerParameter tp);

        void bulkAfter(TriggerParameter tp);
        void onValidate(TriggerParameter tp);
        void afterInsert(TriggerParameter tp);
        void afterUpdate(TriggerParameter tp);
        void afterDelete(TriggerParameter tp);
        void afterUnDelete(TriggerParameter tp);

        void andFinally();


Interface that contains the contracts of the trigger context execution

    public interface ITriggerHandler
        void mainEntry(TriggerParameter tp);
        void inProgressEntry(TriggerParameter tp);

        void insertObjects();
        void updateObjects();
        void deleteObjects();


Encapsulated form of the trigger context variables

    public class TriggerParameter
        public Enum TriggerEvent { beforeInsert, beforeUpdate, beforeDelete, afterInsert, afterUpdate, afterDelete, afterUndelete }
        public TriggerEvent tEvent;

        public List<SObject> oldList { get; private set; }
        public List<SObject> newList { get; private set; }
        public Map<Id, SObject> oldMap { get; private set; }
        public Map<Id, SObject> newMap { get; private set; }
        public String triggerObject { get; private set; }
        public Boolean isExecuting { get; private set; }

        public TriggerParameter(List<SObject> olist, List<SObject> nlist, Map<Id, SObject> omap, Map<Id, SObject> nmap, Boolean ib, Boolean ia, Boolean id, Boolean ii, Boolean iu, Boolean iud, Boolean ie) 
            this.oldList = olist;
            this.newList = nlist;
            this.oldMap = omap;
            this.newMap = nmap;
            this.triggerObject = UtilityClass.getSObjectTypeName((this.oldList != null && this.oldList.size() > 0) ? this.oldList[0] : this.newList[0]);
            if (ib & ii) tEvent = TriggerEvent.beforeInsert;
            else if (ib && iu) tEvent = TriggerEvent.beforeUpdate;
            else if (ib && id) tEvent = TriggerEvent.beforeDelete;
            else if (ia && ii) tEvent = TriggerEvent.afterInsert;
            else if (ia && iu) tEvent = TriggerEvent.afterUpdate;
            else if (ia && id) tEvent = TriggerEvent.afterDelete;
            else if (ia && iud) tEvent = TriggerEvent.afterUndelete;
            isExecuting = ie;


Helper Class that contains methods commonly used in the framework

    public with sharing class UtilityClass 
        public static String getSObjectTypeName(SObject sObject) 
            return sObject.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName();

        public static ITriggerHandler getHandler(TriggerParameter tp) 
            List<Trigger_Handler__mdt> handlerConfig = [select DeveloperName, IsActive__c from Trigger_Handler__mdt where Salesforce_Object__r.DeveloperName=:tp.triggerObject and LIMIT 1];
            if(handlerConfig.size()==0 || !handlerConfig[0].IsActive__c)
                return null;
                    string handlerName = handlerConfig[0].DeveloperName;
                    Type classType = Type.forName(handlerName);
                    ITriggerHandler handlerInstance = (ITriggerHandler)classType.newInstance();
                    system.debug('# Handler in charge is: '+ handlerName);
                    return handlerInstance;
                catch (Exception e) 
                    return null;

        public static ITriggerDispatcher getDispatcherObject(string sObjectName)
            List<Salesforce_Object__mdt> dispatcherConfig = [select Dispatcher_Class_Name__c, IsActive__c from Salesforce_Object__mdt where DeveloperName=:sObjectName LIMIT 1];
            if(dispatcherConfig.size()==0 || !dispatcherConfig[0].IsActive__c)
                return null;
                    Type classType = Type.forName(dispatcherConfig[0].Dispatcher_Class_Name__c);
                    ITriggerDispatcher dispatcherInstance = (ITriggerDispatcher)classType.newInstance();
                    return dispatcherInstance;
                catch (Exception e) 
                    return null;

Custom Trigger Exception

Custom Trigger Exception used in the framework

    public class TriggerException extends Exception {


Trigger Dispatcher Base Class

Implements the ITriggerDispatcher and houses the default implementations of how to invoke the handlers in what sequence

    public abstract class TriggerDispatcherBase implements ITriggerDispatcher
        private static ITriggerHandler beforeInserthandler;
        private static ITriggerHandler beforeUpdatehandler;
        private static ITriggerHandler beforeDeleteHandler;
        private static ITriggerHandler afterInserthandler;
        private static ITriggerHandler afterUpdatehandler;
        private static ITriggerHandler afterDeleteHandler;
        private static ITriggerHandler afterUndeleteHandler;

        private static boolean isBeforeInsertProcessing = false;
        private static boolean isBeforeUpdateProcessing = false;
        private static boolean isBeforeDeleteProcessing = false;
        private static boolean isAfterInsertProcessing = false;
        private static boolean isAfterUpdateProcessing = false;
        private static boolean isAfterDeleteProcessing = false;
        private static boolean isAfterUnDeleteProcessing = false;

        public abstract void bulkBefore(TriggerParameter tp);
        public abstract void applyDefaults(TriggerParameter tp);
        public abstract void bulkAfter(TriggerParameter tp);
        public abstract void onValidate(TriggerParameter tp);

        public void beforeInsert(TriggerParameter tp) 
            system.debug('# Finding the Before Insert Trigger Handler');
            ITriggerHandler handler = UtilityClass.getHandler(tp);
                    isBeforeInsertProcessing = true;
                    system.debug('# Running Before Insert Trigger Handler - Main Entry');
                    execute(handler, tp, TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.beforeInsert);
                    isBeforeInsertProcessing = false;
                    system.debug('# Running Before Insert Trigger Handler - In Progress Entry');
                    execute(null, tp, TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.beforeInsert);
        public void beforeUpdate(TriggerParameter tp) 
            system.debug('# Finding the Before Update Trigger Handler');
            ITriggerHandler handler = UtilityClass.getHandler(tp);
                    isBeforeUpdateProcessing = true;
                    system.debug('# Running Before Update Trigger Handler - Main Entry');
                    execute(handler, tp, TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.beforeUpdate);
                    isBeforeUpdateProcessing = false;
                    system.debug('# Running Before Update Trigger Handler - In Progress Entry');
                    execute(null, tp, TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.beforeUpdate);
        public void beforeDelete(TriggerParameter tp) 
            system.debug('# Finding the Before Delete Trigger Handler');
            ITriggerHandler handler = UtilityClass.getHandler(tp);
                    isBeforeDeleteProcessing = true;
                    system.debug('# Running Before Delete Trigger Handler - Main Entry');
                    execute(handler, tp, TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.beforeDelete);
                    isBeforeDeleteProcessing = false;
                    system.debug('# Running Before Delete Trigger Handler - In Progress Entry');
                    execute(null, tp, TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.beforeDelete);
        public void afterInsert(TriggerParameter tp) 
            system.debug('# Finding the After Insert Trigger Handler');
            ITriggerHandler handler = UtilityClass.getHandler(tp);
                    isAfterInsertProcessing = true;
                    system.debug('# Running After Insert Trigger Handler - Main Entry');
                    execute(handler, tp, TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.afterInsert);
                    isAfterInsertProcessing = false;
                    system.debug('# Running After Insert Trigger Handler - In Progress Entry');
                    execute(null, tp, TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.afterInsert);
        public void afterUpdate(TriggerParameter tp) 
            system.debug('# Finding the After Update Trigger Handler');
            ITriggerHandler handler = UtilityClass.getHandler(tp);
                    isAfterUpdateProcessing = true;
                    system.debug('# Running After Update Trigger Handler - Main Entry');
                    execute(handler, tp, TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.afterUpdate);
                    isAfterUpdateProcessing = false;
                    system.debug('# Running After Update Trigger Handler - In Progress Entry');
                    execute(null, tp, TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.afterUpdate);
        public void afterDelete(TriggerParameter tp) 
            system.debug('# Finding the After Delete Trigger Handler');
            ITriggerHandler handler = UtilityClass.getHandler(tp);
                    isAfterDeleteProcessing = true;
                    system.debug('# Running After Delete Trigger Handler - Main Entry');
                    execute(handler, tp, TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.afterDelete);
                    isAfterDeleteProcessing = false;
                    system.debug('# Running After Delete Trigger Handler - In Progress Entry');
                    execute(null, tp, TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.afterDelete);
        public void afterUnDelete(TriggerParameter tp) 
            system.debug('# Finding the After UnDelete Trigger Handler');
            ITriggerHandler handler = UtilityClass.getHandler(tp);
                    isAfterUnDeleteProcessing = true;
                    system.debug('# Running After UnDelete Trigger Handler - Main Entry');
                    execute(handler, tp, TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.afterUnDelete);
                    isAfterUnDeleteProcessing = false;
                else {
                    system.debug('# Running After UnDelete Trigger Handler - In Progress Entry');
                    execute(null, tp, TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.afterUnDelete);
        public virtual void andFinally() {}

        public void execute(ITriggerHandler handlerInstance, TriggerParameter tp, TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent tEvent) 
            if(handlerInstance != null) 
                if(tEvent == TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.beforeInsert)
                    beforeInsertHandler = handlerInstance;
                if(tEvent == TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.beforeUpdate)
                    beforeUpdateHandler = handlerInstance;
                if(tEvent == TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.beforeDelete)
                    beforeDeleteHandler = handlerInstance;
                if(tEvent == TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.afterInsert)
                    afterInsertHandler = handlerInstance;
                if(tEvent == TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.afterUpdate)
                    afterUpdateHandler = handlerInstance;
                if(tEvent == TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.afterDelete)
                    afterDeleteHandler = handlerInstance;
                if(tEvent == TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.afterUnDelete)
                    afterUndeleteHandler = handlerInstance;


                system.debug('# DML Insert - Main Entry');
                system.debug('# DML Update - Main Entry');
                system.debug('# DML Delete - Main Entry');
                if(tEvent == TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.beforeInsert)
                if(tEvent == TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.beforeUpdate)
                if(tEvent == TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.beforeDelete)
                if(tEvent == TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.afterInsert)
                if(tEvent == TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.afterUpdate)
                if(tEvent == TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.afterDelete)
                if(tEvent == TriggerParameter.TriggerEvent.afterUnDelete)

                system.debug('# DML Insert - In Progress Entry');
                system.debug('# DML Update - In Progress Entry');
                system.debug('# DML Delete - In Progress Entry');

Trigger Handler Base Class

Implements the ITriggerHandler interface and houses the default implementations of the handler methods

    public abstract class TriggerHandlerBase implements ITriggerHandler
        protected List<SObject> sObjectsToInsert = new List<SObject>();
        protected List<SObject> sObjectsToUpdate = new List<SObject>();
        protected List<SObject> sObjectsToDelete = new List<SObject>();

        public abstract void mainEntry(TriggerParameter tp);
        public virtual void inProgressEntry(TriggerParameter tp){}

        public virtual void insertObjects()
            if(sObjectsToInsert.size() > 0)
                    Database.SaveResult[] results = Database.insert(sObjectsToInsert, false);
                    if(results != null)
                        List<Apex_Debug_Log__c> logs = new List<Apex_Debug_Log__c>();
                        for(Database.SaveResult result: results)
                                Database.Error[] errors = result.getErrors();
                                for(Database.Error error : errors)
                                    logs.add(new Apex_Debug_Log__c(
                                        Debug_Message__c = error.getStatusCode() + ' - ' + error.getMessage(),
                                        Debug_Stack_Trace__c = 'Fields that affected this error are: ' + error.getFields(),
                                        Log_Level__c = 'Error',
                                        Object_Type__c = GetObjectNameFromRecordID(result.getId()),
                                        Record_ID__c = result.getId(),
                                        Class__c = 'TriggerHandlerBase',
                                        Method__c = 'insertObjects'
                } catch (Exception e) 
                    throw e;

        public virtual void updateObjects()
            if(sObjectsToUpdate.size() > 0)
                    Database.SaveResult[] results = Database.update(sObjectsToUpdate, false);
                    if(results != null)
                        List<Apex_Debug_Log__c> logs = new List<Apex_Debug_Log__c>();
                        for(Database.SaveResult result: results)
                                Database.Error[] errors = result.getErrors();
                                for(Database.Error error : errors)
                                    logs.add(new Apex_Debug_Log__c(
                                        Debug_Message__c = error.getStatusCode() + ' - ' + error.getMessage(),
                                        Debug_Stack_Trace__c = 'Fields that affected this error are: ' + error.getFields(),
                                        Log_Level__c = 'Error',
                                        Object_Type__c = GetObjectNameFromRecordID(result.getId()),
                                        Record_ID__c = result.getId(),
                                        Class__c = 'TriggerHandlerBase',
                                        Method__c = 'updateObjects'
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw e;

        public virtual void deleteObjects()
            if(sObjectsToDelete.size() > 0)
                    Database.DeleteResult[] results = Database.delete(sObjectsToDelete, false);
                    if(results != null)
                        List<Apex_Debug_Log__c> logs = new List<Apex_Debug_Log__c>();
                        for(Database.DeleteResult result: results)
                                Database.Error[] errors = result.getErrors();
                                for(Database.Error error : errors)
                                    logs.add(new Apex_Debug_Log__c(
                                        Debug_Message__c = error.getStatusCode() + ' - ' + error.getMessage(),
                                        Debug_Stack_Trace__c = 'Fields that affected this error are: ' + error.getFields(),
                                        Log_Level__c = 'Error',
                                        Object_Type__c = GetObjectNameFromRecordID(result.getId()),
                                        Record_ID__c = result.getId(),
                                        Class__c = 'TriggerHandlerBase',
                                        Method__c = 'deleteObjects'
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw e;

        private string GetObjectNameFromRecordID(Id objectId)
            return objectId.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName();


This class acts like an intermediary between the actual trigger and the trigger framework. It passes the trigger context data to the framework so that dispatchers can start the execution pipeline.

    public class TriggerAgent
        public static void RunTrigger(Schema.SObjectType sObjectType)
            system.debug('# Entering TriggerAgent');
            string sObjectName = sObjectType.getDescribe().getName();
            system.debug('# Finding the Trigger Dispatcher');
            ITriggerDispatcher dispatcher = UtilityClass.getDispatcherObject(sObjectName);
            if (dispatcher != null)
                system.debug('# Starting the Trigger Execution Order');

        private static void executeTriggerFlow(ITriggerDispatcher dispatcher)
            system.debug('# Preparing the TriggerParameter object');
            TriggerParameter tp = new TriggerParameter(Trigger.old,, Trigger.oldMap, Trigger.newMap, Trigger.isBefore, Trigger.isAfter, Trigger.isDelete, Trigger.isInsert, Trigger.isUpdate, Trigger.isUnDelete, Trigger.isExecuting);

                system.debug('# BulkBefore');
                    system.debug('# BeforeDelete');
                else if (Trigger.isInsert)
                    system.debug('# ApplyDefaults');
                    system.debug('# BeforeInsert');
                else if (Trigger.isUpdate)
                    system.debug('# BeforeUpdate');
                system.debug('# BulkAfter');
                    system.debug('# AfterDelete');
                else if (Trigger.isInsert)
                    system.debug('# AfterInsert - OnValidate');
                    system.debug('# AfterInsert');
                else if (Trigger.isUpdate)
                    system.debug('# AfterUpdate - OnValidate');
                    system.debug('# AfterUpdate');
                else if (Trigger.isUnDelete)
                    system.debug('# AfterUnDelete');
            system.debug('# Finally');

Concrete implementation of Lead Trigger Dispatcher

The actual dispatcher implementation that a developer needs to write

    public class LeadTriggerDispatcher extends TriggerDispatcherBase
        public override void bulkBefore(TriggerParameter tp)

        public override void applyDefaults(TriggerParameter tp)

        public override void bulkAfter(TriggerParameter tp)

        public override void onValidate(TriggerParameter tp)

Concrete implementation of Lead BeforeInsert Handler

The actual beforeInsert handler implementation that a developer needs to write

    public class LeadBeforeInsert extends TriggerHandlerBase
        public override void mainEntry(TriggerParameter tp)
            system.debug('# Executing LeadBeforeInsert logic');

Lead Trigger [single trigger]

Implementation of the apex trigger that a developer needs to write

    trigger LeadTrigger on Lead (before insert, before update, before delete, after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete)


Field Structure
Field Name Type
Dispatcher_Class_Name__c Text(40)
IsActive__c Checkbox
Values in Salesforce_Object__mdt custom metadata type
Salesforce Object Name Dispatcher Class Name Is Active
Lead LeadTriggerDispatcher true


Field Structure
Field Name Type
IsActive Checkbox
Salesforce Object Metadata Relationship (Salesforce Object)
Trigger Context Picklist
Values in Trigger_Handler__mdt custom metadata type
Salesforce Object Trigger Handler Name Trigger Context IsActive
Lead LeadBeforeInsert beforeInsert true
Lead LeadBeforeUpdate beforeUpdate false
Lead LeadBeforeDelete beforeDelete false
Lead LeadAfterInsert afterInsert false
Lead LeadAfterUpdate afterUpdate false
Lead LeadAfterDelete afterDelete false
Lead LeadAfterUnDelete afterUndelete false
Custom Object Definition

Custom Object API Name: Apex_Debug_Log__c

Field Name Field API Name Type of Field
Apex Debug Log ID Name Auto Number
Class Class__c Text(255)
Debug Message Debug_Message__c Long Text Area(32768)
Debug Stack Trace Debug_Stack_Trace__c Long Text Area(32768)
Log Level Log_Level__c Picklist
Method Method__c Text(255)
Object Type Object_Type__c Text(255)
Record ID Record_ID__c Text(255)


Deploy the following items to your salesforce org

  1. Create the following Custom Metadata Types and populate with respective values
    • Salesforce_Object__mdt
    • Trigger_Handler__mdt
  2. Deploy the following classes
    • ITriggerDispatcher
    • ITriggerHandler
    • TriggerParameter
    • UtilityClass
    • TriggerException
    • TriggerDispatcherBase
    • TriggerHandlerBase
    • LeadTriggerDispatcher
    • LeadBeforeInsert
    • TriggerAgent
  3. Deploy the following triggers
    • LeadTrigger


Debug Log


The possibilities of exceptions in and around the framework are:

I will be adding more data on Test Class Approach, Scientific Evaluation of the Time Compexity of the Framework from my research documentations. Stay tuned….

Thanks for reading this post. Enjoy !!
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